ماهر بالكلمات
- مُلهِم و مُشجّع لأنه يؤمن اننا كلنا قادرين
- إيجابي لأنه الحياة قصيرة
- يكسر المألوف لأنه ضروري للتقدم
- شغوف لانه مِلح الاستمتاع والإلتزام
- مغامر لأنه يحب ان يتحدى نفسه
- مصورجي لأن لكل صورة قصة ترويها
لا شيء مستحيل
انجاز الكثير بالقليل
العيش عكس التيار
العمل طريقة ممتعة للحياة
القيادة مصداقية
الأمل مربوط بالعمل
ماهر بالكلمات
Have you ever felt so stuck you wanted to give up? Well, that was me. One night, I was drowning my sorrows in bourbon, feeling like the world's biggest loser, when suddenly a rocket shot across my TV screen during a commercial and it gave me a crazy idea - what if, when the alarm rang, instead of thinking, I launched myself out of bed like a rocket.
The next morning, when the alarm rang, instead of laying there thinking about all my problems, I started counting. Backwards.
Looking back, it all makes sense. 5-4-3-2-1 helped me close the gap between thinking and doing. And by just taking action, my confidence grew.
In five seconds flat, I stopped thinking and started moving forward. I stopped listening to the garbage in my mind and started thinking positive. Over time, I not only gained self-awareness and self-confidence - I discovered the simple secret to changing your life. I call it The 5 Second Rule.
your reaction
What's happening
your excuses
The 5 Second Rule closes the gap between thinking about what needs to be done and actually doing it.
This post is also available in: الإنجليزية